2009 WAR Of 1812 Events List
Jan 9-11 . . . Battle of New Orleans - Chalmette, LA
Jan 24 . . . River Raisin Memorial - Monroe, MI
Feb 5-8 . . . Reenactor Fest - Chicago, IL
Feb 21-22 . . . Battle of Ogdensburg - Ogdnesburg, NY
Feb 28 . . . History Conference, Mohawk College - Hamilton, ON
Mar 28 . . . 1812 comes to Loudoun County - Sterling, VA
Mar 28-29 . . . 1812 West Symposium - Arrow Rock, MO
Apr 25 . . . Officer/NCO School, Fort George - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
(Crown Forces Officers & NCO's only)
Apr 26 . . . All units Drill Day, Fort George - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
(All Ranks Crown Forces & U.S. Units welcome to attend)
May 2 . . . 1812 War College - Ogdensburg, NY
(Crown Forces event - All Crown Units encouraged to attend)
June 6 . . . Celebrate Barrie, 1812 encampment - Barrie, ON
June 13 . . . Battle of Hampton - Newport News, VA
June 19-21 . . . Port Dover - Port Dover, ON
June 27-28 . . . Genesee Village - Mumford, NY
July 3-5 . . . Friendship Festival, 1812 Camp - Fort Erie, ON
July 4-6 . . . Grand Time Line - Liverpool, NS
July 10-12 . . . Prairie Du Chien - Prairie Du Chien, WI
War of 1812 Grand Tactical
(All U.S. and Crown Units encouraged to attend)
July 18-19 . . . Fort George Timeline - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
July 17-19 . . . 200th Anniversary, Founding of Royal Navy Dockyard - Halifax, NS
(Anniversary Event and not strictly 1812 offered here for planning purposes)
Aug 1-2 . . . Sackets Harbor - Sackets Harbor, NY
Aug 1-2 . . . Fort Malden Timeline - Amherstburg, ON
Aug 8-9 . . . Siege of Fort Erie - Fort Erie, ON
Aug 15-16 . . . Soldier's Day & Fife and Drum Muster, Fort George - Niagara-on-the-lake,
Aug 15 . . . Bladensburg Encampment - Riverdale Park, MD
Aug 14-16 . . . Gananoque - Gananoque, ON
Aug 29 . . . Alexandria Surrenders Carlyle House - Alexandria, VA
Sept 6 . . . Battle of North Point - Fort Howard, MD
Sept 5-6 . . . Fairfield - Thamesville, ON
Sept 12-13 . . . Backus Mill - Port Rowan, ON
(Crown Forces event - All Crown Units encouraged to attend)
Sept 12-13 . . . Fort McHenry - Baltimore, MD
Sept 18-19 . . . 9 Mile Portage Festival - Fort Willow, Minesing, ON
Sept 19-20 . . . Jefferson Patterson Park - Mackall, MD
Oct 2-4 . . . Mississinewa 1812 - Marion, IN
Oct 10 . . . Sully Plantation Militia Muster - Chantilly, VA
Oct 24-25 . . . Fort Osage Fall Muster - Kansas City, MO
Crown Forces School
Infantry Officer & NCO School of Instruction
('ONLY' Crown Forces Officers and NCO's to
attend in Privates kit)
Apr 25 . . . Fort George - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
All units Drill, Fort George
Apr 26 . . . Fort George - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
(All Ranks Crown Forces & U.S. Units encouraged to attend)
[Not organized by CFNA but highly sanctioned
and recommended]
May 23-24 .
. . Fort Meigs - Perrysburg, OH
Annual 1812 Grand Tactical
July 11-12 . . . Grand Tactical Crysler's Farm -
Morrisburg, ON
(All Crown and USA Forces encouraged to attend)
Sept 12-13 . . . Backus Mill - Port Rowan, ON
The intent of Crown Forces events is not to go to just CF "all-up" events but to
encourage re-enactors to make these specific events a priority for the present season so that both Crown and US forces
can put together larger events. If a choice must be made at some point during the season between two events the
idea is to try to come down on the side of the CF event. It is no way intended that re-enactors/units shouldn't go to the
other events.
Napoleonic Events in North America
May 1-3 . . . 7th Annual Napoleonic National Peninsula
Campaign - Anza, CA
May 2-3 ... Campaign Event - Rosaryville, MD
June 8-12 . . . Ecole du Soldat - Coteau du Lac, QC
June 26-28 . . . Brigade Napoleon Grand Tactique - Bedford, PA
July 18-19 . . . Days of Napoleon - Belvadiere, IL
Aug 14-15 . . . Battle of Austerlitz - Old Austerlitz Village, NY
Oct 16-18 . . . Autumn Encampment - Rosaryville, MD