=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2010 WAR Of 1812 Events List =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Mar 20-21 . . . 1812 in the west Symposium - St. Louis, MO
Apr 24 . . . Officer/NCO School at Ft. George - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
('ONLY' Crown Forces Officers and NCO's to attend in Privates kit) Apr
25 . . . All units Drill at Fort George - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON
(All units Crown and US invited to attend)
(Crown Forces event - All Crown Units encouraged to attend)
May 1-2 . . . Attack on Havre De Grace - Havre De Grace, MD
(A timeline event)
June 5 . . . Celebrate Barrie, 1812 encampment - Barrie, ON
June 11-13 . . . School of the Sailor - Kingston, ON
June 18-20 . . . Port Dover - Port Dover, ON
(Crown Forces event - All Crown Units encouraged to attend)
* * * Cancelled * * *
(War of 1812 Grand Tactical)
(All U.S. and Crown Units encouraged to attend)
Aug 14-15 . . . Gananoque Training Weekend - Gananoque, ON
Aug 21-22 . . . Hancocks Resolution - Pasadena, MD
Aug 28 . . . Alexandria Surrenders Carlyle House - Alexandria, VA
Sept 4-5 . . . Fairfield - Thamesville, ON
Sept 11-12 . . . Fort McHenry - Baltimore, MD
Sept 17-18 . . . 9 Mile Portage Festival - Fort Willow, Minesing, ON
Sept 18-19 . . . Jefferson Patterson Park - Mackall, MD
Oct 9 . . . Sully Plantation militia muster - Chantilly, VA
Oct 23-24 . . . Remember the Raisin - Stanford, KY
(The William Whitley State Historic Stie)
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2010
CROWN FORCES EVENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Crown Forces School
Infantry Officer & NCO School of Instruction ('ONLY' Crown Forces Officers and NCO's to attend in Privates kit)
April 24
All units Drill, Fort George
Fort George - Niagara-on-the-lake, ON (All
Ranks Crown Forces & U.S. Units encouraged to attend)
April 25
(Crown Forces event - All Crown Units encouraged to attend)
June 18-20 . . . Port
Dover - Port Dover, ON
(Crown Forces event - All Crown Units encouraged to attend)
July 30-Aug 1
. . . Sackets Harbor - Sackets Harbor, NY
Annual 1812 Grand Tactical
(All Crown and USA Forces encouraged to attend)
The intent of Crown Forces events is not to go to just CF "all-up" events but to
encourage re-enactors to make these specific events a priority for the present season so that both Crown and US forces
can put together larger events. If a choice must be made at some point during the season between two events the
idea is to try to come down on the side of the CF event. It is no way intended that re-enactors/units shouldn't go to the
other events.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Napoleonic Events in North America =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Feb 5-7 . . . Re-enactor
Fest - Wheeling, IL
Feb 19-21 . . . Winter Bivouac - Coteau du
Lac, QC
April 22-25 . . . Siege of 1797 - San Juan,
Puerto Rico
April 30-May 2 . . . Peninsular War Event
- Anza, CA
May 12-16 . . . Campagne de France - Montmiral,
May 20-23 . . . BN Campaign Style Event -
Roseryville, MD
June 12-13 . . . Old Fort Mac Days - Long
Beach, CA
June 12-13 . . . Garrison Days - Coteau du
Lac, QC
June 19-20 . . . BN Grand Tactique - Maumee,
July 17-18 . . . Days of Napoleon - Belvidere,
August 6-8 . . . Pike River Rendezvous Timeline
- Kenosha, WI
August 27-29 . . . Bivouac d'entrainement
- Coteau du Lac, QC
Sept 25-26 . . . Autumn Pioneer Festival
- Belvidere, IL
October 15-17 . . . Trail of History - Woodstock,
October 16-17 Autumn Festival - Roseryville,
Dec 4 . . Belvidere Christmas Walk - Belvidere,